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Satish Gandham

* Dreamer, Web Developer and Eternal Student

Who am I

I'm Satish Gandham, freelance web developer and designer, specializing in WordPress development and onsite SEO. I am a blogger, entrepreneur, designer, developer, dreamer, perfectionist and an eternal student.

What I did

I'm the proud developer of the popular WordPress theme Swift, powering millions of WebPages. I'm the founder of, and BuddingBloggers.Com, an initiative to help upcomig bloggers by providing them with free domains and web hosting.

What I do {My Skills}

visualize your big thoughts

and tiny ideas

by positioning, rotating and scaling them on an infinite canvas

the only limit is your imagination

want to know more?

use the source, Luke!

one more thing...

have you noticed it's in 3D*?

* beat that, prezi ;)

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